Opciós befektetési stratégiák, Opciós termékek - Bet site

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Back Description and use If an option writer owns the underlying security when the option is sold, bináris opciók megbeszélése position is called a Covered Call. If the writer does not own the papers, it is called a Naked Call. A Covered Call position is the purchase of the share and the agreement to sell the share if the option is exercised.

Covered Call Option

The position is covered, because the possible delivery of the share is covered by the share already held in the portfolio. Writing an option without a share purchase is called a naked option writing.

If the writer decides after how large increase in the share price should the position be closed, then the Short Call option should be sold with that strike price.

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Then the investor will not be waiting for a higher price to sell and he will keep the premium. The covered obligation to sell is a popular investment strategy.

Opciós termékek Opciós termékek Az opciós piac lehetőséget teremt a befektetők számára arra, hogy olyan befektetési stratégiát alkossanak, amelyben a nyereség lehetősége mellett veszteségük kockázatát és mértékét csökkentik. Az opciós termékek tőkeáttételes termékek, kis tőkebefektetéssel nagy értékű portfoliót lehet velük mozgatni. Éppen ezért az opciók alkalmasak erősen spekulatív, nagy kockázatú pozíciók létrehozására is. Az opciók sokszínűsége és variálhatósága lehetővé teszi, hogy a befektető tetszőleges befektetési stratégiát valósítsanak meg akár emelkedő, akár csökkenő, vagy stagnáló piaci viszonyok között.

The obligation to sell grants that the share sale will happen the planned way with the planned price. Sometimes the investor does not want to keep a share for too long but does not want to sell when the difference between the purchase price and the prompt price is already at the same level as when he purchased the shares.

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The Covered Call strategy is perfect to solve this issue. The investor expects constant increase opciós befektetési stratégiák the market.

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With the increasing prices, the option can be exercised and the profit can be realised. When the prices fall, the sold option expires without being exercised and the premium can opciós befektetési stratégiák kept. The strategy is a net debit investment.

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Usually the trading takes place on a monthly basis. The maximum profit is limited from above if the share price equals the strike price at expiration.

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Therefore, a Covered Call position is the purchase of the share and the agreement to sell the share if the option is exercised. Type: Neutral, Bullish.